Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy 8 months, Hudson

Dear little man,
I can't believe you are already 8 months old!  (8 months and a week as of right now)  The time has flown by.  According to our scales, you are weighing about 19-20 pounds already!  I know why!  You LOVE to eat.  If anyone in the room with you is eating, you think you have to be eating also!  You love all sorts of foods!  You pretty much eat with us and love meat already!  You haven't gotten the hang of feeding yourself yet but you are well on your way!  You can feed yourself a mum mum and  you love them =)  You are still nursing well!  I should have known that when all you wanted to do the first 4 hours of your life was nurse!  Your sleeping is still very random.  Some nights you will sleep all night....8-9ish, to about 5ish....and then nights like last night you are up all night!  Naps are still touchy go...somedays are great, others are not =(  Two weekends ago we had to buy you new jammies and we had to buy you 12 month...thinking you'd have PLENTY of room to grow....welp, they fit, and you have a tiny bit of room to grow... it almost made me cry...I realize just how big yo uihave goten at night when Im in your dark room nurisng nad rockign you to sleep...when you were just born, even weighing in at 8lbs and were soooo you litterlly wrap all the way around my side while you are nursing.  I know this season is coming to an end beofre I know it and I'm just tryint to soak it all in while I can! 

You have just learned to sit up all by  yourself in the last several weeks.  You still fall over a good bit but you are getting better and better by the day!  You love Elmo toys.  And, when we go to Busch Gardens, you love to see Elmo =)  You are definitely going to be a talker... You love to talk and just today your daddy had food in his hand and was walking away from you and you started yelling at him...not crying or whining, but yelling at him...if only you had words =)  You can say dada when you want to.....I dont know how meaningful it is yet but you definitely know who your daddy is and your face lights up when he gets home from being at works for two days straight.  You love your sisters still and smile at them often.  Darbie is now sitting in between you adn Brylee in the van and you love that she is right there beside  you! 

You are going to be a fiesty little one.  You are already starting to stand your ground with Brylee by hitting and scratching and pulling her hair.  When she has something you want, or when she takes something away from you, you try your best to ge it back from her.  You are a biter and that may get you in a lot of trouble, especially when you do get teeth!

Mommy and daddy love you so much!  We have loved watching you grow and turn into a little man!  You are changing every day and looking more like a little boy instead of a baby.  You are so handsome and so loving!  Even though sometimes I'd love to stop the clocks, I can't wait to continue to watch you grow and grow!

mommy and daddy

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