Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hudson is 9 months!

Dear Hudson,
As I sit here and type this, you are upstairs taking a nap!  I can't believe another month has passed!  We took you for your 9 month well baby visit last week and you weight 19.7 lbs and was right at 30 in long I believe!  You are growing fabulously!  You now have two teeth.  They came in days apart and are both on the bottom.  You are now realizing they are there and you are rubbing things against them.  You are sitting wonderfully now.  The other night you tried to crawl but you haven't shown much interest since that night.  You have gotten a very bad temper in the last few weeks and I don't know how to deal with it.  You are learning the word "no" but you don't fully understand it yet.  when you don't get something you want, you arch your back and scream very loudly.  Hopefully daddy and I learn how to handle that very soon.  Your sleeping is still very erractic both night and day!  Overall, you are such a happy baby.  And, you are such a lover.  You love to give kisses and cuddle!  Football season has started and you like watching the games with daddy.  You are slwoly learning how to throw your hands up when we say "touchdown" and then clap!  YOu are copying a lot now which is very funny to watch =)  Ok buddy, that's about it for now!

We love you so much!
Mommy and Daddy

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