Friday, November 9, 2012

Hudson is 11 months!

I seriously can't believe Hudson was 11 months on Monday!  Buddy, you are growing soooo fast and learning something new everyday!  Today, you finally took off with crwaling... You have been tinkering with the idea for a few weeks but today at the doctor, you crawled accross the floor to get a Mr. Potato head!  Daddy and I were so excited!  And then tonight, you have crawled a few times to get soemthing you want!  You weigh 21 pounds.  You haved bye bye for the first time yesterday morning.  You can say hi, daddy, and mama when you want to.  You had a follow up with the pediactric gi doctor today and we figured out a few things.  As far as your allergies are concerned, eggs still both you severly!  You are handling mommy having small amounts of dairy, but we have noticed your excema has come back since I have been having it.  We don't know about soy but the doctor said to still lay off of it.  Since the flu shot has egg in it, he said to not give it.  We have to double check with your one year shots to see if any have egg or not, the doctor wasn't sure.  You are being put on a special kind of milk.  The doctor doesnt think you rae quite ready for cow milk.  Mommy is really struggling with thinking about ending our journey of breastfeeding but I am a little ready.  Maybe I am being selfish, but I am ready to have all of my foods back.  Part of me says you have gotten 12 good months of breastmilk and you are good to go.  The other part of me says this is all that you know and I want to hold on to this moment.... I am ready to get my body back but I am not ready to take what you know away from you =(  It really is hard.  You daddy is VERY supportive during the first 12 months, but after that not so much =)  Your sleeping is still different every single night.  Some nights you sleep great and other nights  you do not.  You LOVE to eat food but you are very tempermental with it.  If you are sleepy, we can give up trying to get you to eat food.  You are still a comfort nurser and I think that is one more thing that worries me about weaning you.  You are as handsome as ever and you are soo stinking funny!  Daddy and I think you are going to be a class clown as you get bigger.  You love when you make someone laugh!  You still adore your sisters and smile when they come in the room.  You and Brylee love to play together but she doesn't like you drooling on her toys and you get mad when she takes them away from you.  You now have 4 teeth... top2 and bottom 2!  Welp little man, I think that is about it for now!  I can't believe I am about to start planning your 1 year birthday! =(

Daddy and Mommy

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