Monday, December 10, 2012

Hudson turns 1!

Dearest little man,
I can't believe I am sitting here typing your one year birthday letter. You are tucked tightly in your bed fast asleep.  You are actually one year and 5 days old but I wanted to wait until your birthday party before I posted this.  It has been an amazing year with you buddy!  To think that daddy and I were not wanting any more children after your two sisters.  God knew what He was doing and He knew what kind of a blessing you were going to be to us!  I am sooo happy He saw daddy and I fit to be your parents!  I think back on the year we've had.  You were born on the 5th.  Our house was packed on the 7 and 8th of December.  We said goodbye to all of our friends in Charleston on the 11th of December and headed to VA to our new home state.  I have pictures of everyone in Charleston holding you.  They were there to watch you grow in mommy's tummy and they were there to welcome you into this world!  Mommy misses our friends from SC daily and I think of all of the friends you would have had there!  But, the US Navy called us to VA and we moved here and took on a whole new adventure.  You soon met people here that we now call our friends!  These people have watched you grow from just an infant and many love you like their own.  What's not to love about your big toothy grin??? 

Let's see...... you now have 5 teeth and we think you maybe working on your 6th.  You have three up top and two on the bottom.  I am in the process of weaning you completely.  We were down to just our nightly feeding until tonight and I decided the longer I waited, the harder it was going to be so tonight I fixed you a sippy of milk and went to rock you, but you would have nothing to do with that sippy.  You didn't fight me.  You took your paci and snuggled against my chest and fell fast asleep.  I hope you sleep through the night becasue right now I am worried that you are hungry.  You have gotten nursed at bedtime every single night since you were born.  (Either nursed or a bottle at bedtime)  So, hopefully you sleep all night and hoepfully the last weaning is as easy as it was tonight.  I was worried in the beginning of weaning you that you wasn't ready.  However, you have been a champ and have not looked back.  It kind of makes me sad but it also lets me know that it was me not ready instead of you not being ready.  We did it buddy!  We made it longer than I ever thought we would and I am soooo happy we did!

You weight 24 pounds and I'm not sure how tall you are right now.  You don't have your one year well baby until jan. 7th.  =(

You are babbling up a storm.  Yu can say mama, dada, bye, hi, and you've said Bry Bry on several occasions when looking at Brylee.  Tonight I said "all done" and you copied it clear as day!  You love talking and you love smiling!  You light up anyone you are around!  You have quickly become a daddy's boy and you love when he comes home from work!  You love boy toys, which amazes me....How do you know what boy toys are??? you have a house full of barbies??? =) 

You are still very tempermental and have a temper like nobody's business!  Daddy and I are still trying to figure out how to handle this temper of yours. 

You are the biggest cuddler and a huge flirt with the ladies!  Your big blue eyes and big handsome grin melts their hearts!

You love to play peek a boo!

You are full of personality and life!

This past year has been a huge blessing and I am soo happy and honored that I get to be called mommy!

Here are some pictures over the last year!

Just moments after you were born!

happy 3 months!
happy 6 months!

happy 9 months!

Happy 1 year birthday buddy!!!!!

We love you more than words can ever express!
Love always,
Mommy and Daddy


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