Monday, July 16, 2012

not so good at this blogging

When I started this blog, I intended on doing it at least weekly, to keep my family up to date with our life.  Sadly, that hasn't happened.  I always have good intentions, and then life happens.  So now I have over 2 months to get you caught up on =(  Let's go back to the beginning of June.

Hudson turns 6 MONTHS!!!  Where has the last six gone???

 Hudson weighed 17.5 pounds (77%) and was 28 in long (92%)  He is such a happy and loving little man!

 Brylee had her 3 year check up that same week and weighed 33 pounds (73%) and was 41 in long....and off the charts in percentile!

Brylee had her first dance recital and she was a star!  She LOVED every minute of it and did amazing!  She loved getting dressed up.  She loved putting on lipstick at a place other than home.  And, she loved dancing and having an audience!

Then June 14th, Darbie graduated from 5th grade!  Our baby is going to middle school!!!

She also got the presidential award, which we were very proud of!

Darbie and one of her favorite teachers, Mrs. Kilmurray.

Immediately after Darbie's graduation, the kids and I headed out for Alabama.  Yes, I ventured an 11 hour road trip with three kids and have to say that everything went perfectly UNTIL  two hours before being in my parents driveway.  Right around Chattanooga we stopped to get gas and dinner.  I got Hudson out of his car seat to change him, got gas, and got Burger King.  We got back on the interstate and immediately Hudson started grunting, which meant he was pooping and Brylee started complaining of her stomach hurting.  As I was pulling off the road for a rest stop to change Hudson 2 miles later, Brylee started throwing up and didnt stop the rest of the trip.  It made for a long last two hours to say the least.  It was a mom's worst nightmare...especially a mom who doesnt "do" throw up........but we made it...and Burger King is darkly crossed off of our options of fast food!

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